Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic School! At our school we truly value the relationship between parish, home and school. We are committed to the Catholic Graduate Expectations and student achievement.
We all work together to make our school a safe learning place for children to grow spiritually, academically and emotionally. We recognize the uniqueness of all members of our school community and support each other in our learning. We encourage all students to participate in school activities and to share their talents and gifts with others.
The agenda is intended to provide you with important information about our school. We have moved to an electronic student and parent communication tool called EDSBY. Please take the time to become familiar with this school information. A mutual understanding of our school routines and a clear definition of our expectations will form the basis of a positive relationship between home and school.
Thanks for your support as we strive to continue to provide meaningful learning experiences for all students at St. Joseph Catholic School.
Mrs. Whale
Our Mission |
We are called to celebrate the God-given talents of each student as we serve with excellence in the light of Christ. |
Catholic Graduate Expectations |
The image of the learner was developed by the Institute for Catholic Education in consultation with representatives of the Catholic community across Ontario. The life roles, knowledge, skills and attitudes of the Catholic Graduate Expectations are distinctive expectations that the Catholic community has for graduates of Catholic secondary schools. The graduate is expected to be:
School Hours |
9:00 a.m. - Yard Supervision Begins 9:15 a.m. - Classes Begin 10:40 a.m. – 10:55 a.m. - Morning Recess 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. - Lunch 2:25 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. - Afternoon Recess 3:45 p.m. - Dismissal |
Student Illness |
In fairness to all, please do not send your child to school if there are definite signs of ill health in the morning. Good health is necessary for effective learning. We will always follow the Durham Regional Health Department fact sheets and DCDSB guidance for COVID 19 protocols and steps for those with symptoms. Please see the DRHD or board website for more information. |
Allergy Alert School |
The St. Joseph Catholic School community supports the philosophy of inclusion and will endeavour to create a safe school environment for all staff and students. Precautions will be taken to ensure that the setting in which anaphylactic students spend the majority of their time be as safe and allergen free as possible. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide the school with information relating to their child’s allergy and to provide the school with up to date Epi pens and specific information from a physician. An anaphylactic reaction is a severe, sudden, possibly life-threatening allergy to such items as peanuts, nuts, bee stings, shellfish, etc. When a student is diagnosed with anaphylaxis, it is important for the school to take extra precautions to ensure the student’s well-being. We have many students at St. Joseph Catholic School with severe allergies. In order to create a safe environment for these students nut products are not permitted in any areas of our school. We thank you for your co-operation. |
Administration of Oral Medication |
The Durham Catholic District School Board Administration of Oral Medication Policy recognizes that it will occasionally be necessary to administer oral medication to students at the school. Under these special circumstances, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be asked to sign a consent form giving permission for school personnel to administer the medication. It is understood that this consent form needs to be re-signed each school year. These forms can be picked up at the office. |
Lunch Hour |
Children who are going home for lunch must be picked up and signed out by a parent or care giver at the office. Students are not permitted to go into the community for lunch at any time.
Children eat their lunch in designated classrooms from 12:00 p.m. – 12:20 p.m. Students are expected to remain in the playground area (weather permitting) from 12:20 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Parent Pick Up, Buses, and Parking |
Parents of students in the non-bussing zones are strongly encouraged to walk their child to school. This will help alleviate congestion on the street, promote a healthy lifestyle and reinforce our green school philosophy. The motto for our Parent Parking is “Safety Over Convenience.” Please use the designated curb cut area at the front of the school to drop off or pick up your child. Buses are a priority in the lot and have route times to keep. There is no parking for parents or guests on the school property or driveways. Please adhere to the signs that are there for student safety and use the sidewalks, crosswalks and pathways on and around the property for walking access. If parents drop off children late (after 9:15 AM and 1:00 PM), the students must enter the school at the front of the building and report to the office before going to their classroom. Children’s safety is always the priority during arrival and dismissal times. Parking and driving by-laws are posted on Quaker Village Drive and should be followed at all times for the safety of our children, buses and neighbours. We appreciate your attention to safety and our positive working relationships with all the community. |
Dress Code |
The following guidelines are for students regarding appropriate dress and appearance:
All Dress Code infractions will be addressed with discretion and respect. |
Ontario Curriculum |
Information about the Ontario Curriculum can be found on the Ministry web site at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/ as well as other useful information for parents. |
Student Services |
The Durham Catholic District School Board supports the belief that each student is unique, with individual strengths and needs. Our philosophy of inclusion provides for each child’s strengths and needs in the neighbourhood school. For students experiencing difficulty or requiring support, services are available at the school level and are accessed through the school team meeting process. If further intervention is necessary, system support services are available through the Student Services Department and may be accessed by the school team. These services may include access to a Child and Youth Counsellor, Social Worker, Psychological Services and Speech and Language Pathologist. |
Bus Information |
DSTS will provide student transportation information including bus number and pickup/drop off locations as well as the times. The automated numbers are: 1-866-908-6578 or 905-666-6979. In order to access student transportation information parents are required to have your child(ren)'s OEN number or his/her student number and your child(ren)'s date of birth. Both the numbers (OEN or student number) can be provided to you by your school or the number will be on your child(ren)'s last report card. If parents require information, please contact Durham Student Transportation Services at 1-800-240-6943 or 905-666-6940. |
Co-curricular |
A variety of co-curricular activities will be offered to our students. Our sports program may include for example; football, volleyball, basketball, track and field and cross-country running. Clubs and activities in other areas may be offered as well to enrich student experiences for example, Eco Club, Reading Clubs, Social Justice Club, and Choir, etc. |
Catholic Virtues |
The Catholic Virtues are: Faith, Hope, Charity, Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude |
Catholic Social Teachings |
Catholic schools, religious education and faith formation programs are vitally important for sharing the substance and values of the Catholic social justice heritage. Just as the social teaching of the Church is integral to Catholic faith, the social justice dimensions of teaching are integral to Catholic education and catechesis. They are an essential part of Catholic identity and formation. (Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions U.S. Bishops, 1998). The Catholic Social Teachings are:
Catholic School Council |
St. Joseph Catholic School Council is a group of dedicated, hardworking parents, community members, and staff who devote much time and energy in making our school community a better place to be. At monthly meetings, discussions focus on community faith development, review of Durham Catholic District School Board policies and procedures, development of school based policies, and the planning of special projects and celebrations including fundraising and special lunch days. Elections for the School Council will be held very early in the new school year. This is a great way to become involved in your child’s school. The Council is always looking for volunteers. |
Before and After School Supervision |
Supervision on the yard begins at 9:00 a.m. Students should not be left unattended prior to that time. After school, the bus and kiss and ride zones are supervised until approximately 4:00 p.m. There is no formal yard supervision after 4:00 p.m. as those students who walk to school or are picked up are expected to leave for home immediately after school. |
Communication |
Edsby is our primary form of communication between school and home both from the classroom and the office. Once you have downloaded the Edsby app onto your device and accepted the invitation to join, please join the "SJ Families" Edsby group to receive important messages and our monthly calendar. If you have any questions about Edsby you can contact the office at 905-852-6242. |
Sacred Heart Catholic Church |
Our students celebrate their faith through liturgies and masses with our parish priest Father Gerard. Father Gerard also serves over the preparation and celebration of our students’ sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. We are fortunate to celebrate an excellent partnership with our parish. 70 Toronto Street North |
School Code of Conduct |
Please click here to read the Code of Conduct |